Steven Corsi

Steven Corsi

Senior Investment Advisor IPC Securities

Session Details: Elevation the HNW Experience: Steven had developed a focused approach to tapping the HNW market and provides the kind of elevated client experience wealthy clients expect. Discover how Steven redefines client engagement in the HNW market.

Bio: After graduating Concordia University, Steven Corsi worked for a major Canadian banking institution, where he served as a wealth management advisor. Once that tenure was complete, he was manager of corporate development teams managing and integrating debt, investments, and cash management solutions for established firms such as Fortune 500 companies and major international government and non-government organizations.

In 2010, to optimize his wealth, insurance and advisory practice, Steven joined a highly established securities firm which then led to develop and incorporate, Mansfield Private Counsel Inc. Throughout that period, Steven was an Advisory Board member of Manulife Bank, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Council and Finance committee Member of the University Club of Montreal. Currently he is an active advisory board member of Investment Planning Counsel (IPC). 

Today, Mr. Corsi is a Senior Investment Advisor of Mansfield Private Counsel which is in partnership with IPC Securities Corporation, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

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